Every virtual currency comes with advantages as well as disadvantages, some get easily hacked while other companies make their currency as secure as possible and try to make it transparent and flexible to the world laws. That`s why crypto is ban in some countries, in some countries it is hostile and, in some countries, you are allowed to trade crypto without any obstacle. So, here comes India, India allows its people to trade cryptocurrency, even one of the biggest investors of crypto in India is Amit K. Bhardwaj: Founder and CEO: GB Miners, Amaze Mining and Research Limited Website: highkart.com (India`s first e-commerce website) Net Worth: 1.86 billion dollars But India is planning to ban cryptocurrency a senior government official told Reuters and if the government of Narender Modi sustained the government in the next elections then, this ban will surely become law and India will be the first biggest economy in the world to ban the trade, exchange, and purchase of cryptocurre...